This is your category if you are using your branded merchandise to raise funds for a certain cause.

University Wordmark

The units can also use the primary and secondary university wordmarks for certain applications. Trademark and registered trademark usage information also can be found in the TM and ® Guidelines section below.

Armed Forces Branch Graphics

Because of the affiliation with U.S. Armed Forces, there are unique situations where military insignias will be allowed. If an ROTC unit wishes to use additional military emblems and graphics, please contact Trademark Licensing at 515 294-4402 prior to submitting artwork.

Color Palette

Because there are brand colors associated with the different branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, units wanting to use colors outside the university color palette should contact University Marketing prior to submitting final color selection of promotional items.


The type families of Univers and Berkeley are the only fonts to be used on all print design applications. See for the set of most commonly used fonts for Iowa State printed materials. These fonts are available for purchase through

Athletic Marks

If you choose to use an athletic mark, below is the mark that is approved for use on your project. Please click here to show the various color applications. Trademark and registered trademark usage information can be found in the TM and ® Guidelines section below.

Promotional Items Application Example

The above design principles have been applied to a coffee mug example that represents a potential one- and two-sided application.

TM and ® Guidelines

Our style guide (provided to all of our licensees) explains when to use which trademark notice on our different marks. Generally, if going on apparel, including headwear and footwear, the ® needs to be used. All other classes of goods would get a TM. There are some exceptions, however, such as “CY,” “CLONE,” “CYCLONE,” “HILTON MAGIC,” “THE MAYOR,” and more that always require a TM because they are not federally registered in any product class. Additional information regarding usage of  ® and TM in relation to wordmark is outlined on the Brand Marketing website.

More Info/Questions

For Frequently Asked Questions, please click here. For all trademark guideline inquiries, please contact the Trademark Licensing Office. The Iowa State wordmark can be downloaded from the Iowa State University Printing Services website. Iowa State licensed vendors have access to all university athletic marks; the marks do not need to be provided by Iowa State staff or students to vendors/printers.

Ready to Submit Your Design?

Once you’ve reviewed the brand standards and created your promotional item artwork, please click here to complete the Internal Trademark Use Request Form.